Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 13

I drove the first few hours, and it poured the whole time I was driving.  We randomly stopped at this really neat candle/gift shop and bought a few candles and a sign for the cabin.  John took the wheel after that stop, and of course, the sun was shining!  We drove to Parke County, Indiana, an area with the most amount of covered bridges.  We drove two sections of the covered bridge tour, and were actually able to drive through some of the bridges this time.  Very cool!  These bridges are beautiful, especially since most of them are over 100 years old.  It's unbelievable that we can still drive through them.  The majority of the scenery in Indiana is corn fields, for miles and miles, all at different levels of development.  We ended up in Illinois and had dinner at a great steak restaurant, then went to the movies to see "Men in Black 3."  It was nice to take a break from driving for a while, but tomorrow we'll be back on the road to head to Kansas City, MO.

The Warm Glow Candle shop we stopped at.

Corn fields for as far as you can see!

Driving through these beautifully shaded roads to find the bridges.

West Union Bridge - the longest in the area - 315 feet!

The inside of the West Union Bridge.

Rush Creek Bridge - we could drive through it!

John driving through the Jackson Bridge.

Crooks Bridge is the oldest bridge, built in 1856!

Straw fields.

Close-up of the straw.

The Bridgeton Bridge and waterfall.

John & me in front of the Bridgeton Bridge.

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